Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thing #22

The titles for my binders are, 1) Educational Geography, 2) Educational Sites, 3) Sports baseball.
http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=698086. I can see where being able to organize your binders, this will help keep things exactly where you need them and it will not be such a hassle to find exactly what you need or a certain site that you would like to look at. And for the students, by understanding how to do this they can keep up with important resources for future references. It will help keep up with ideas they may have without printing hundreds of pages, and then they have to keep up with those. The binder will sure help with organization.

Thing #19

Facebook is the site that I am most associated with. Although I do like the teacher pop site as well. Even with all the social media pages out there, I believe that for professional uses the teacher pop would be of greatest use for me. I can keep up with friends, professors, and other colleagues without the hassle of viewing a lot unnecessary post. This site can be simple and straight to the point.

Thing #15

Using wiki in the classroom for the student can be a fun way for the students to collaborate with the class as a whole. Each student can post their ideas directly on the page for the class to see. This not only will help those out that may be stuck in their ideas, but can also give a direction that they need to go. I can see where this would be a good tool to use for class projects, the students can stay in touch without the use of a phone and their ideas are right there for you to view.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

We have only just begun

Well what can I say. This has to be the most interesting class that I have taken so far. I really enjoyed learning about the new technologies that are out there and learning more about the ones that I already use. By understanding these new technologies it will help my classroom stay more involved in their assignments. The sites such as Animoto, Flicker, and Blogspot can not only make learning fun it can also provide an easy way for students to animate and edit their ideas into their own. All I have to do is give them an outline of what I want to see and the rest is theirs. Not only will it be interesting to see what they come up with but they will have fun doing it. I have to be honest, I was a bit skeptic on some of the items that I had to do, but as time shows it was fun and interesting. I have learned a great deal throughout the class and plan on taking it with me into the world. As we all know if we can't make learning fun and creative then we have failed to reach our students potential.

Thing #23

Creative Commons will be more help than surfing the web and trying to find what pictures or drawings that you need, not only are there copyrights on some of the pictures that you want to used, this will keep you from using the pictures. By using the creative commons site you can find what you need to use without the repercussions of plagiarism. This site allows you to use pictures for free. After understanding the copyright laws for myself, this will only help me in the future by teaching students from what I have learned about it, and this should keep everyone out of trouble.

Thing #21

Americas Favorite Past Time
The Animoto site is very interesting. This website made it easy to make a video, all I had to do is insert the photos of my choice, which were all baseball related. This can be a good individual or group assignment website for them to have fun. It was not at all hard to understand and set up. I believe that the students would have fun with this.

Thing # 20

There are advantages to having access to websites like youtube.com, teachers and students can almost find anything they want to watch on here. There are example videos from math equations to science lab experiments and anything in between. Students can take use of these types of websites only if they are used appropriately. Also there are some many videos on here that are useless and only take up space. By allowing students access to these websites, not only are we allowing them to gain useful knowledge, but in the same aspect allowing them to be subjected to videos that they should not see. I can see how it can help with education, but there are to many other things out there that students should not see. I wouldn't allow this to be put into my library.
On the lighter side< I thought this video would get a good laugh!!!!!!