Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thing #18

With most every student in the world, each have a Facebook or twitter account. So with this comes the point that teachers need to keep up with the latest fad that the students are in touch with. With understanding how the social networking works this could allow the teacher to stay in touch with students on assignments and homework. Each teacher can set up his or her own group for each class, this would allow students to keep up with current events in the classroom as well as with the school in general. There are many advantages with using social networks, one for example would be a parent needing to contact you in the case of homework, if there is a problem that they as parents can't help their child with, they could contact you through Facebook, where you could show examples of the problem. Not all the time will teachers answer their phone or return a phone call, but most of the time, at some point, you will be on your Facebook account during the day or at night. I am not real familiar with Twitter, so I can't compare the two. I enjoy Facebook for the most part. With the good can come the bad, with allowing students to contact a teacher through Facebook, there can and probably in the end have a bad outcome for the teacher. As we all know there can be anything said or posted on these sights, and worst case, someone hack your account and post things to a students wall can end up with the teacher losing their job or maybe even serve jail time. So in my personal opinion, I would never set up a sight that would allow students to contact me directly. If it is not a situation that I can handle inside school, then a parent needs to be present or at least another teacher.

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